
I am a Japanese-American currently living in Los Angeles, California. After living in Osaka, Japan for about 10 years, I decided to come back to L.A. to pursue my long time dream to be a part of the audio industry.

But it wasn’t easy at first. Twists and turns, good and bad, I lost my passion and ended up working in the telecommunication industry for 7 years… Sometime during those years, I was fortunate to meet new people who convinced me to follow my dream and heart once more!

While building my experience in the work field, I went back to school, majoring in both Audio Production and Music Business. I am about to start my own business as a freelance audio engineer/translator/low voltage contractor. (www.kenji-baba.com)

I’ve also fell in love with the gentle art, a.k.a. Gracie Jiu Jitsu during my time back in L.A.

I’m about to start a new chapter in my life, and I am going to do so by the words of one of the greatest man that has ever walked the earth: Stay hungry, Stay foolish

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